The Montfort Group

Roller Coasters and Concrete: Balancing Life

The Texas Giant. What a roller coaster. The new one is simply my favorite. You know that moment before you get on when you are weighing the risk and excitement, balancing life? You get on next to some stranger and watch them buckle in. You look at the cement next to you and think,

“I could just get off now if I wanted. Maybe I’ll ask this guy to let me squeeze by him and just exit for now. I’m not ready. That hill looks awfully steep. Wonder if anyone has ever died up here? I think I remember a news story not too long ago about some lady with three kids being hung upside down for six hours on this same roller coaster.”

But, then you decide the risk is inevitable if you want to feel. To experience something different than standing on concrete.

Daily Balance

Maybe you think your life is like “groundhog day.” Monotonous. Seems you are busy, but perhaps, stuck.  So, you occasionally get on the roller coaster. You get off the concrete and onto the “ride of your life.” You may have regrets as you hear the loud clicks of your little coaster car going up the steep hill, but instead of looking down around you, or back behind you, you brace yourself. And maybe you know what it’s like to be going down a big hill for a while and as exhilarating as all that change can be, you are ready for the valley. Ready for normal. Ready for your stomach to stop flying out of your throat. You find yourself craving “groundhog day.” It’s amazing what an enormous roller coaster can do for reminding you of how satisfying “normal” can truly be!

Balancing life, contentment and growth, is an enormous lesson.

Sitting on my bed this morning, drinking coffee, laptop in hand, kids dirty clothes to wash, my husband making tea and teaching our dog to sit. Perfection. I am realizing that resting in between adventures feels just as good as the adventure itself. Good reminder for me. These days are as important in life and deserve just as much attention and gratitude as the “stretching days” of the steep hill. Glad to be in the valley today.

What I have come to realize is that we need to respect both. We can’t expect fulfillment without the peaks and the valleys. Where are you today? Need help finding the balance?

I understand the struggle and would also feel completely honored to walk with you through yours. 

Contact The Montfort Group in Plano today to see how we can help you with the balancing act of life. 


Picture of Cory Montfort, MS, LPC-S

Cory Montfort, MS, LPC-S

I completed my Masters of Science in Counseling from Southern Methodist University where I specialized in working with individuals, couples, and families. I have extensive experience working within the mental health community facilitating groups, conducting assessments, counseling individuals, and performing crisis intervention. I hold an active License in Professional Counseling and am also a board-approved Counselor Supervisor for the state of Texas.

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