The Montfort Group

Becoming Friends with Your Body

self care ideas

It feels increasingly true that the noise on how we should feel about our bodies gets louder, but building a better relationship with your body is possible.

Do You Feel Like an Imposter?

manage stress

If you have ever experienced feelings of inadequacy; fear of somehow being exposed as a fraud despite abundant evidence to the contrary; or if you struggle to embrace your success, then you are familiar with the phenomenon widely known as imposter syndrome.

Procrastination and anxiety

Plano Anxiety Management

Setting priorities or feeling overwhelmed can lead to putting off tasks. It can increase anxiety and generate more avoidance.

Healing Your Inner Child

healing your inner child

The inner child holds the emotional pain, unmet needs, and wounds from the past alongside innocence, playfulness, and propensity for joy.

How to Love Yourself Unconditionally

love yourself

The fact that you’re actively seeking out how to love yourself more is a great sign. Here are the following steps you must take to start loving yourself more.