The Montfort Group

Individual Counseling

plano individual counseling

Our methods of individual therapy are pretty simple. We’ll focus on the issues that are preventing you from making positive changes, working to help you strengthen your attachments to your loved ones and improve your self esteem. Whether it’s in your relationships, your work, or your personal happiness, together we can make changes that will improve your quality of life.  Our therapists want you to walk away with your toolbox filled. In individual counseling, you’ll get practical and emotional tools to increase your confidence, decrease your anxiety, and begin enjoying yourself again.

Problems commonly addressed in Individual therapy

At The Montfort Group, we cover a variety of issues and problems in the individual counseling sessions. Some of the more common issues are addiction, abuse, severe stress (post traumatic or not), body image, and even loneliness. All of these issues will continue to hold you back from truly living your best life if not treated properly, or not treated at all. Some problems are short-term situations that can be easily addressed in a few therapy sessions, while other difficulties run deeper with more lasting effects (childhood wounds, phobias, etc…) and may require more attention. We will work as a team to explore the issues in your life that are preventing you from enjoying satisfying relationships and stunting your personal growth.

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Our Blog

Therapy thoughts

Cory Montfort, MS, LPC-S

Stories Matter: Listening

I have decided to focus this year on the importance of stories. Your story, my story, “their” story. Not just the stories we find easy to digest, but learning to hear – truly hear – the stories that are difficult to agree with, and perhaps hard to understand.

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why people fall out of love
Cory Montfort, MS, LPC-S

Why People Fall Out of Love

This blog covers several of the most common reasons people fall out of love. It is divided by four subheadings, each dealing with one of those reasons: resistance to change, threats from outside the relationship, boredom and disgust, and unrealistic expectations.

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plano therapist
Erica Thomason, MS

Minimizing Feelings

Rationalizing feelings is called minimization. It is a form of deception that involves denial in situations where complete denial of reality is not possible. It is the downplaying the significance of emotion, especially when feelings of guilt are involved. Minimizing feelings is a coping mechanism meant to make the pain more manageable in the short term, which can be helpful to a degree. There are times in life we have to move through challenging phases in order to get to the reward parts.

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