The Montfort Group

Cheated On: Starting therapy in a crisis with Cory Montfort

cheated on

Recovering from an affair is a messy business. We try to help each relationship no matter the circumstances. For the betrayed, rebuilding the ability to trust. For those who cheated, rebuilding their trustworthiness. These things take an exorbitant amount of courage, patience, and time well-spent to accomplish.

Strategies To Self Regulate

Most of us have the capacity to tolerate the ebb and flow of emotions and have strategies to self-regulate. However, trauma, chronic stress, and adverse childhood experiences can narrow the window of tolerance and limit that capacity. Daily life events can seem like huge challenges and illicit outsized reactions.

Self Love And Eating Disorders

counseling for young men

I recently came across a post that read, “It’s crazy how I adore women of all body sizes and shapes, but I can’t accept my own.” It was a moment where I sat there and pondered for a moment how eating disorders begin. Seconds ago, I was sifting through political post after political post, nearly clicking off the application, when I saw this. Why does this resonate so much?

Benefits of Meditation

Grief Counseling

While the benefits of meditation have been known for thousands of years and is a core element in some religious practices, scientific studies have shown that meditation can help to reduce stress, manage anxiety, support emotional health and change the pathways of the brain!

Preserving Family Wellness During A Pandemic

Preserving Family Wellness

With the rapid emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems like an understatement to say that things feel scary. During this time of uncertainty, while we are all in close quarters with one another as a family, it is of utmost importance that we are aware of the influence we have on our children and their emotional wellness.

How To Reduce Anxiety During A Crisis

reduce anxiety

With the current chaos around us, our commitment to you and your journey remains a priority. We’re here for you. Here are a few tips to help you reduce anxiety during this time.