The Montfort Group

Anxiety or Something More? Demystifying Diagnosis

Clients often come to me with questions about their diagnosis. They want to understand whether they are feeling nervous about an upcoming life change or meeting criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. They worry that they aren’t just a little sadder than usual but dealing with Major Depressive Disorder.

Societal Changes and Mental Health

individual counseling

September 11 is a daunting day for those across the nation after terrorist attacks rocked our world on this day 19 years ago. I had no idea at that young age, what societal changes would occur how they would affect our mental health.

Minimizing Feelings

plano therapist

Rationalizing feelings is called minimization. It is a form of deception that involves denial in situations where complete denial of reality is not possible. It is the downplaying the significance of emotion, especially when feelings of guilt are involved. Minimizing feelings is a coping mechanism meant to make the pain more manageable in the short term, which can be helpful to a degree. There are times in life we have to move through challenging phases in order to get to the reward parts.

Coming to Terms With my Anxiety

anxiety counselor plano

Anxiety can look vastly different across individuals, but some of the symptoms that stood out to me were my irritability, restlessness, ruminating thoughts, and difficulty sleeping.

How To Process Negative Emotions

process negative emotions

Research shows how happy you are depends on your ability to process negative emotions. Learning to accept rather than fight your feelings is the key to handling them better.

How To Reduce Anxiety During A Crisis

reduce anxiety

With the current chaos around us, our commitment to you and your journey remains a priority. We’re here for you. Here are a few tips to help you reduce anxiety during this time.