How to Manage Social Media Anxiety: Tips for a Healthier Online Presence
Social media anxiety is a form of stress that arises from using social media platforms. It can manifest as a fear of missing out (FOMO), comparing oneself to others, or feeling pressured to present a perfect image. These feelings can lead to significant anxiety and affect overall well-being.
Becoming Friends with Your Body
It feels increasingly true that the noise on how we should feel about our bodies gets louder, but building a better relationship with your body is possible.
Procrastination and anxiety
Setting priorities or feeling overwhelmed can lead to putting off tasks. It can increase anxiety and generate more avoidance.
Tips for managing back-to-work anxiety
Taking time off is essential to mental well being as it can help mitigate burnout, improve mood and increase concentration and job performance. Here are 9 tips for managing work anxiety.
How to Manage Stress and Avoid Burnout
It feels like a great time to discuss how to effectively manage stress to create a sense of safety and well-being in our lives.
Pandemic anxiety? 5 things to consider
Pandemic anxiety? The thought of things reverting to normal brings a paralyzing sense of anxiety for some.
Cultivating a Sense of Belonging
Sometimes life disconnects us from that deep rooted sense of belonging, but we can find our
way back by focusing on the following.
Strategies To Self Regulate
Most of us have the capacity to tolerate the ebb and flow of emotions and have strategies to self-regulate. However, trauma, chronic stress, and adverse childhood experiences can narrow the window of tolerance and limit that capacity. Daily life events can seem like huge challenges and illicit outsized reactions.