The Montfort Group

Beauty In The Midst Of Heartache

beauty of heartache

back to all I remember it like it was yesterday, even though what I’m about to share happened several years ago.  It was late and the Dallas skyline was visible from my hospital room. I remember gazing at the neon lights, the towering skyscrapers against a dark, velvety sky, and the hum of cars just […]

Five Toxic Traits When Dating

toxic relationships

back to all Relationships are beautiful, intricate dances between two people. They can lead us to unimaginable heights of joy and connection. But they can also pull us into dark, confusing spaces if we aren’t careful about the red flags that can reveal themselves early on. Looking back on my own experiences, I’ve realized how […]

How to Manage Social Media Anxiety: Tips for a Healthier Online Presence

Social media anxiety is a form of stress that arises from using social media platforms. It can manifest as a fear of missing out (FOMO), comparing oneself to others, or feeling pressured to present a perfect image. These feelings can lead to significant anxiety and affect overall well-being.