The Montfort Group

Man Versus COVID-19: Stay Grounded

Man Versus COVID-19

Social distancing. Self-isolation. Lockdown. Quarantine. Man Versus COVID-19. Whatever you want to call it, these are challenging times for everyone!

Six Ways Men Can Benefit From Counseling

Five Ways Men Can Benefit From Counseling

I think we are less tolerant of men expressing emotions; not being allowed to feel fear, failure or vulnerability. As women, we can feel locked out when they won’t “share” their feelings when truthfully many men don’t know how or don’t talk the same language. This is where therapy can help.

How To Reduce Anxiety During A Crisis

reduce anxiety

With the current chaos around us, our commitment to you and your journey remains a priority. We’re here for you. Here are a few tips to help you reduce anxiety during this time.

Valentine’s Day – Heartache or Celebrate?

Valentine’s Day – Heart Ache or Celebrate

Valentine’s Day can be a tough one for many people–folks who are lonely because of a break up, a love lost or a love not yet found. A reminder of what one doesn’t have. It’s time for a reset.

Managing Family Stress During The Holidays

family holiday stress

While there is no magic recipe to avoid some of the stress, here are some suggestions for managing holiday stress and family drama. Expecting difficult relatives to behave differently probably isn’t realistic. Self-care and planning are key to managing anxiety and emotional strain!

Staying Emotionally Connected to your Partner

Emotional Connection

Staying emotionally connected is a challenge for many couples when demands for time are numerous: careers, family, parenting, social media and the neighbor next door. When fatigue sets in and partners feel stretched, before they know it, their relationship takes a back seat to everything else in their lives. Partners can feel like ships passing in the night as meaningful conversations become fewer and emotional intimacy dwindles. And when that happens, couples can feel distant and alone.

Navigating Fear

navigating fear

Fear is a powerful emotion – it can motivate or derail you.

Four Reasons to Seek Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling

Couples seek counseling for many reasons – sometimes it’s for a “tune-up” or for help with a particular situation. The four most common complaints I see in my practice are about communication, conflict, infidelity and physical intimacy.