The Montfort Group

The holiday blues

holiday blues

The holidays are often filled with grief, comparison, magnified anxiety, financial concerns, and familial dysfunction. 

HuffPost: Are You In A ‘Permacrisis’? Here’s How To Tell.

Our brains were designed to notice any sign of danger, whether that be physical, emotional or social. And our reaction is where the common term “fight or flight” (which also includes “fawn” and “freeze”) comes in. The continuation of that response can lead to a permacrisis.

Self Love And Eating Disorders

counseling for young men

I recently came across a post that read, “It’s crazy how I adore women of all body sizes and shapes, but I can’t accept my own.” It was a moment where I sat there and pondered for a moment how eating disorders begin. Seconds ago, I was sifting through political post after political post, nearly clicking off the application, when I saw this. Why does this resonate so much?

Let’s Talk About Anger

anger issues

Interestingly, anger is one of the most powerful emotions we can feel, yet one of the feelings that often lays dormant in our mind and body due to our lack of appropriate/healthy expression.

Societal Changes and Mental Health

individual counseling

September 11 is a daunting day for those across the nation after terrorist attacks rocked our world on this day 19 years ago. I had no idea at that young age, what societal changes would occur how they would affect our mental health.