The Montfort Group

Vulnerability And Anger: How The Two Collide

Anger and Vulnerability

I want you to close your eyes. I want you take a moment and think about the last time you were angry. What was going on? Who were you angry with? Where did you feel that anger physically? Maybe in your chest, neck, or back. Maybe in your shoulders. I presume you could describe the physical feeling as tense and unpleasant. Why does this happen?

How To Effectively Set Boundaries

set boundaries

What I’m telling you is, sometimes, it’s okay to choose yourself. In fact, I encourage you to do so. Let’s chalk it up to self-care. Setting boundaries is a form of self-care.

Managing Family Stress During The Holidays

family holiday stress

While there is no magic recipe to avoid some of the stress, here are some suggestions for managing holiday stress and family drama. Expecting difficult relatives to behave differently probably isn’t realistic. Self-care and planning are key to managing anxiety and emotional strain!

Negative Body Image? Change Your Focus

negative body image

Many people struggle with some part of their body they don’t like. Sometimes, their imagination makes things out to be worse than they are. They look at a photo of themselves and all they see is how large their nose is. But in reality, their nose may be perfect for their face. It’s only the angle of the photo or their mind focusing on it that makes it seem problematic.

The Power of Assertiveness: Saying “No”

saying "no" and setting boundaries

I have learned that saying “no” without apology, excuses, or justification is much easier said than done. This style of communication involves setting boundaries using clear, decisive, and succinct language.

Self-care: I don’t really like yoga and other confessions


So, as we embark on this quest to reframe our idea of self-care, let’s start with a decision. Let’s accept that we are valuable. Let’s understand that we are worthy of the same time and attention we probably offer those around us. We matter. Our mental health matters.

Pressing Pause: Self Care


Let’s not punish or blame. Let’s admit that we’re human. We are imperfect. We are trying and we are tired. We are working. We are juggling. We are in a never-ending balancing act. This is just where we are, and let’s give ourselves a little credit through this exhaustion.