The Montfort Group

Procrastination and anxiety

Plano Anxiety Management

Setting priorities or feeling overwhelmed can lead to putting off tasks. It can increase anxiety and generate more avoidance.

How Does My Childhood Upbringing Affect Me Now?


back to all A trending topic, both professionally and personally, in the past few weeks, is the issue of parenting: the manner in which children are parented, does it affect the person you are today,  and the ways parenting affects a person’s strengths, challenges, and limitations? No matter if you are currently a parent or not, […]

Managing Family Stress During The Holidays

family holiday stress

While there is no magic recipe to avoid some of the stress, here are some suggestions for managing holiday stress and family drama. Expecting difficult relatives to behave differently probably isn’t realistic. Self-care and planning are key to managing anxiety and emotional strain!

Six Tips for Managing Grief During the Holidays

back to all Grief is difficult at any time of the year but none more so than over the holidays. Have you lost a loved one, a relationship, a job or suffered another kind of loss this holiday season? These can amplify it even more. Bombarded with advertising messages of family gatherings and ho ho […]