The Montfort Group

Nurturing your teen’s self-esteem

teen self esteem

We know self-esteem is vital in a teen’s life and that a healthy level makes it more likely they will be motivated to do their best and try new things.

How To Effectively Set Boundaries

set boundaries

What I’m telling you is, sometimes, it’s okay to choose yourself. In fact, I encourage you to do so. Let’s chalk it up to self-care. Setting boundaries is a form of self-care.

Combatting Low Self-Esteem In Children

low self-esteem in children

How many of you are 100% satisfied with your body? I’m not sure I’ve ever met any human who liked every single thing about their appearance. Have you? Regardless, with social media on the consistent incline, it is imperative we, as adults and parents, do what we can to increase self-confidence and be able to model what it’s like to love yourself since we can’t control everything they see on their iPhone 8+.

Do Children Remember Their Early Experiences?

early child development

It seems we try to brush aside, or don’t address, highly emotional or stressful events that happen early in our children’s lives by believing that they are completely oblivious and unaffected by what is happening around them in their early years.

Taming Academic Anxiety

While it is natural for parents to go into protection mode when your child is feeling anxious, sometimes your efforts to solve their problems or avoid triggers of anxiety and engineer worry-free environments may exacerbate the problem.

How To Support Your Teen Through High School

Teen Counseling

Do you worry about how your teenager is doing at school? Chances are they won’t tell you, in which case, you’ll be in the frustrating position of wanting to support them but being unable to. It’s a common problem for parents as their teenage children become more independent and remote, but fortunately, there are ways around it. Follow the simple tactics below to lift those barriers and re-kindle the bond between you. Once you’ve got your son or daughter chatting, you’ll be halfway to finding out how things are at school and supporting them as need be, which will follow on naturally.