The Montfort Group

Coming to Terms With my Anxiety

anxiety counselor plano

Anxiety can look vastly different across individuals, but some of the symptoms that stood out to me were my irritability, restlessness, ruminating thoughts, and difficulty sleeping.

Connecting While Distancing: It Starts At Home

Connecting While Distancing

As we embrace this new reality of staying physically distant from others, I am going to offer some sound advice over the coming weeks to help you curb the adverse side effects. And who knows – with practice, you could even utilize this unprecedented time to forge deeper, more meaningful connections than ever before.

How To Battle Your Inner Critic

Inner Critic

As I sat down to write my monthly blog, I began to notice thoughts in the back of my mind that invaded my inner dialog. As I put my fingers on the keys, my inner critic was in full force before I typed a single word. The battle had begun.

How To Better Handle Your Emotions

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, control, and direct our own emotions, as well as discern the emotions of others. These skills are required to understand better, empathize, and communicate with other people. Therefore, they are an essential part of both our private lives and careers.

5 Tips for Managing Money in Relationships

managing money in relationships

Many breakups and divorces occur because of disagreements between partners regarding money. This makes financial planning one of the most critical aspects of keeping relationships healthy. In this article, managing money in relationships are explored.

Maintain Mystery and Keep Relationships Interesting


A healthy dose of mystery can be good for your relationship. You don’t want to give away everything all at once and leave nothing for future dates and conversations. Here are seven ways you can keep your relationship interesting without playing games.