The Montfort Group

How Curiosity Can Transform Your Relationship Overnight

transform your relationship

Curiosity is a relational superpower which transforms relationships by nurturing empathy and trust, breaking up monotony, and infusing fresh energy into the dynamic for more enriched, meaningful, and intimate partnerships.

Do You Feel Like an Imposter?

manage stress

If you have ever experienced feelings of inadequacy; fear of somehow being exposed as a fraud despite abundant evidence to the contrary; or if you struggle to embrace your success, then you are familiar with the phenomenon widely known as imposter syndrome.

Healing Your Inner Child

healing your inner child

The inner child holds the emotional pain, unmet needs, and wounds from the past alongside innocence, playfulness, and propensity for joy.

How To Cope With Divorce During The Holidays

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Going through a divorce can be a difficult process, especially during the festive season. Although it may be a challenge, it is possible to experience happiness still while managing the tension and intense feelings that come with it. The solution is to ensure that you and those close to you prioritize your values, needs, and overall wellbeing.

Tips for managing back-to-work anxiety

plano marriage counseling

Taking time off is essential to mental well being as it can help mitigate burnout, improve mood and increase concentration and job performance. Here are 9 tips for managing work anxiety.