Discover the Benefits of Therapy for Personal Growth
Unlock personal growth with talk therapy benefits in our insightful blog ‘Discover the Benefits of Talk Therapy for Personal Growth’.
To understand how a weighted blanket can improve mental health, Woman’s World reached out to our therapist, Gergana Markov for some expert advice.
Depression symptoms like pervasive sadness, low energy, and lack of motivation are associated with lower serotonin levels. Research shows that the feeling of being held and supported can increase serotonin levels and activate the production of oxytocin, endorphins, and dopamine known as the ‘love and pleasure’ neurotransmitters, which results in improved mood and a greater sense of happiness.
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Unlock personal growth with talk therapy benefits in our insightful blog ‘Discover the Benefits of Talk Therapy for Personal Growth’.
Discover the signs indicating your adolescent could benefit from therapy in our post ’10 Signs Your Adolescent Might Benefit from Therapy’.
Social media anxiety is a form of stress that arises from using social media platforms. It can manifest as a fear of missing out (FOMO), comparing oneself to others, or feeling pressured to present a perfect image. These feelings can lead to significant anxiety and affect overall well-being.