The Montfort Group

9 Ways To Cope With A Breakup

how to cope with a breakup

Breaking up with someone can be a difficult and emotional experience, but there are steps you can take to heal and move forward.

Healing Your Inner Child

healing your inner child

The inner child holds the emotional pain, unmet needs, and wounds from the past alongside innocence, playfulness, and propensity for joy.

How to Love Yourself Unconditionally

love yourself

The fact that you’re actively seeking out how to love yourself more is a great sign. Here are the following steps you must take to start loving yourself more.

HuffPost: Are You In A ‘Permacrisis’? Here’s How To Tell.

Our brains were designed to notice any sign of danger, whether that be physical, emotional or social. And our reaction is where the common term “fight or flight” (which also includes “fawn” and “freeze”) comes in. The continuation of that response can lead to a permacrisis.

Tips for managing back-to-work anxiety

plano marriage counseling

Taking time off is essential to mental well being as it can help mitigate burnout, improve mood and increase concentration and job performance. Here are 9 tips for managing work anxiety.