The Montfort Group

Cheated On: Compassion Over Vengeance

cheated on

Recovering from an affair is a messy business. I struggle to help each relationship no matter the circumstances. For the cheated on, rebuilding the ability to trust. For those who cheated, rebuilding their trustworthiness. These things take an exorbitant amount of courage, patience, and time well-spent to accomplish.

Fall in Love with Love

Teen Counseling

It’s easy to look back on my experiences with love and confuse it with the people who hurt me. The mangled family relationships, the messy romances, the ones that got away. It’s also easy to confuse love with that chemical high that rushes our hearts and brains and causes us to make sometimes disastrous impulsive decisions. These heartaches and mistakes can easily make us wary of love itself.

Sex Desire Not Drive

sex desire not drive

For those who are struggling with sexuality in their relationships, so many men and women see male sexual desire as a problem. It is needy and persistent. It insists on being satisfied. And, so often men look to their partners to help them solve this problem.

Staying Connected in Chaos

staying connected

Are you up for making your marriage a priority? It takes work, mindfulness, and commitment to making small changes in our daily lives. Choosing just one or two daily practices is a start to creating a greater connection.

Fearing Loss, Losing Connection

losing connection

The truth is that loss is a part of life. It is as important as love, as important as security, as important as holding on to the things we value. Accepting loss gives us the power to change. If we accept the inevitability of loss, we free ourselves to feel vulnerable. And if we free ourselves to feel vulnerable, to fear losing, then we empower ourselves to examine what must change. And when we examine what must change, we enable the possibility that we can hang on to those we love. When we change, we heal. And when we heal, we love harder and longer and better.

Vulnerability in Intimacy

vulnerability in intimacy

If you’re struggling to feel close to your partner, your love is not the problem. Your problem is that your struggle with vulnerability in intimacy.