The Montfort Group

Life Over 60: A Conversation With Friends

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Laurie Poole interviews two long-time friends, who have known one another over 30 years, about the joys of life over 60. No topic is off limits as they share perspectives on sex, marriage, motherhood and careers. All three women share how their friendship has carried them through some of the most challenging times in their lives.

Making Time For Marriage

Marriage Counseling Plano

After a long day of work, household responsibilities, and childcare, finding time for your spouse can be quite a challenge.

The One Thing Your Child Needs During The Pandemic

Plano Parenting Help

To understand why a previously well-behaved child might suddenly become angry and aggressive, consider how the spread of COVID has stripped us as a society of all sense of normalcy. Consider how dysregulating it has been for you as an adult to digest and process the twists and turns of the pandemic while making appropriate decisions for yourself and your family.

Homeschooling 101 In The Time Of COVID-19

This time of COVID-19 and quarantine has taught me a few things: 1. sweatpants are perfectly acceptable for a Zoom meeting, 2. locking myself in the bathroom for a moment of peace really is the difference between a breakdown and a decent family afternoon, and 3. teachers should be paid a million dollars a year.

Preserving Family Wellness During A Pandemic

Preserving Family Wellness

With the rapid emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems like an understatement to say that things feel scary. During this time of uncertainty, while we are all in close quarters with one another as a family, it is of utmost importance that we are aware of the influence we have on our children and their emotional wellness.

Combatting Low Self-Esteem In Children

low self-esteem in children

How many of you are 100% satisfied with your body? I’m not sure I’ve ever met any human who liked every single thing about their appearance. Have you? Regardless, with social media on the consistent incline, it is imperative we, as adults and parents, do what we can to increase self-confidence and be able to model what it’s like to love yourself since we can’t control everything they see on their iPhone 8+.

Parenting Style

Parenting Education

Psychologist Diana Baumrind noticed that preschoolers displayed different behaviors due to parenting style. She set out to describe the dynamics that influence parenting styles and found that particular parenting characteristics produced children with improved self-esteem and confidence.

Imposter Syndrome: The Parenting Edition

Family therapy parenting

As an individual therapist, I can say with full honesty that I am not the perfect parent. But guess what? I don’t expect you to be either. My work comes from a place of constant learning rather than pure expertise.