The Montfort Group

Counseling for Women

Reasons to Consider Women’s Counseling

Women have never been busier or felt more overwhelmed. We are juggling the multiple roles and numerous responsibilities we have to manage. Women have never had more on our figurative plates than we do today. So, women’s counseling has emerged as a vital piece of an overall healthy lifestyle.

Of course, the mental health statistics are reflective of the social, emotional, relational, and professional weight we are carrying. According to the Office on Women’s Health, more than 1 in 5 women in the United States experienced a mental health condition in the past year. This includes depression or anxiety, which is 60 percent more common in women than in men.

The Montfort Group has become a special place where women of all ages come for counseling and support as they continue to reshape and balance their lives.

While we applaud women who take on new challenges that shatter long held stereotypes we equally support those who make more traditional personal and professional decisions. Having the choice is what matters. Obtaining a deep understanding of oneself, developing the confidence to communicate that self to others and learning how to access and use resources ensure that a true choice is made.

For many women their relationships are vitally interwoven into all aspects of their lives. When a woman grows, the changes that she makes can profoundly in affect those close to her. We encourage women to make these deep changes gradually, while at the same time remaining sensitive to the impact of such changes on significant others. In this way, the important relationships in women’s lives are acknowledged, and parents, spouses, siblings and children may be included in her therapy.

Our therapists encourage women to find their voices, speak their truths, discover their uniqueness, and celebrate their strengths.

Women are incredible and complex.

Aside from these common women’s issues, we must also acknowledge the role that our genetic makeup and hormones have on our mental health. Women’s mental health is impacted by their hormones. These fluctuate frequently. Especially during our cycle, pregnancy, the postpartum period, and menopause. Some women are especially sensitive to hormonal shifts and it greatly impacts their mood.

Counseling for Women Going Through Life Changes

Life as a woman is inherently marked by changes. We are constantly adapting and growing, and so is the world around us. These changes might be huge, like a wedding, separation, or divorce. Perhaps you are getting a new job, leaving a job, or considering a move. You’ve recently become a parent, or your children are “leaving the nest.” No matter what the change, the question is often the same: “What’s next?” In therapy for life transitions, we can help you figure this out.

Women’s Counseling Can Help

You can feel more grounded through therapy with a skilled women’s counselor. In women’s counseling, we use therapy methods that work and take your whole person into account. Hormone shifts, pregnancy/postpartum seasons, trauma history, and more will be considered as you work with a therapist to figure out a treatment plan. We know women are dealing with a multitude of concerns on a daily basis, and our therapists are ready to help.

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