Eating Disorders and the Holidays: Setting Yourself Up for Success
The holiday season can be an especially challenging time for individuals with eating disorders, as well as for their friends, family members, and loved ones.
Self Love And Eating Disorders
I recently came across a post that read, “It’s crazy how I adore women of all body sizes and shapes, but I can’t accept my own.” It was a moment where I sat there and pondered for a moment how eating disorders begin. Seconds ago, I was sifting through political post after political post, nearly clicking off the application, when I saw this. Why does this resonate so much?
Need Help With Your Teenager?
We are pleased to announce the addition of Courtney Strull, a Licensed Professional Counselor Intern supervised under Cory Montfort LPC-S, to our Plano office. She’s earned her Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin and her Master’s degree in Counseling from Southern Methodist University.