December 21, 2019
I love this time of year. Decorations are festive and gatherings with family and friends warm my heart. But the bells don’t jingle for everyone and holidays are full of stress for many people!
There are obvious stressors – work deadlines, finances, gift shopping for those difficult to buy for, a busy social calendar, eating too much, drinking too much – it can all get to you. But strained family relations can feel more so at this time of year and grief can peak as we remember the loss of loved ones, broken relationships, and dreams that didn’t manifest. Yes, the holidays can be far from the warmth and ho-ho-ho-ing we see on the Hallmark Channel! In fact, this time of year can be downright lonely.
While there is no magic recipe to avoid some of the stress, here are some suggestions for managing holiday stress and family drama. Expecting difficult relatives to behave differently probably isn’t realistic. Self-care and planning are key to managing anxiety and emotional strain!
How do you manage the demands of the holidays? We’d love to hear strategies you find helpful in the comments!
Please enjoy the articles below on navigating seasonal challenges:
How to Survive Christmas with a Difficult Family
Dealing with a Dysfunctional Family During the Holidays
How to Survive Your Family Christmas with Your Sanity Intact
Coping with Loneliness During the Holidays
Laurie is a Licensed Professional Counselor with her Masters of Science in Counseling from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. She is also a graduate of McGill University in Montreal. She received advanced practical training in Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples and families at UT Southwestern, where she spent five years in the Department of Psychiatry’s Family Studies Clinic working with diverse clients of all ages. In addition, she has completed training in Collaborative Law for couples seeking divorce to find solutions in a more amicable way.
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