Step one of the Create Space process is to Edit but how do you get started? Here are some editting space tips from Professional Organizer Babs Golden.
- Love it or lose it. When you start reviewing items in a room/space make sure you “like” or have a purpose for an item. If you do not like or use an item it needs to go. Be honest with yourself about when the last time you used the item was.
- Have a donation bin on the ready. A rolling hamper lined with a trash bag works well. Keep this bin in an area the entire family knows about and can use to fill. When the bin is full it is ready to go to a donation center. Dont forget this can be a tax benefit!
- Get kids involved in the practice of editing. Before you know it they’ll be editing their own stuff with no adult assistance.
- Start practicing the 1 in 1 out rule TODAY. If you bring home a new pair of Nikes, immediately take an old pair and put it in the donation bin.
- Edit one small space at a time. Like the pantry or the laundry room or the cooking utensil drawer.
- When editing space, look at items by category to determine if you have duplicates. If you have five small saucepans you probably don’t need four of them unless you are a master chef!
- DO NOT shove all the stuff you don’t want to deal with in the attic!! It’s not so awesome to have to drag it all back down when you finally admit you never wanted the stuff to begin with.
Remember, this is a process and should not, will not happen over night. It may take days or weeks but be patient with yourself. This is about not only decluttering your physical space but opening up your mental space. Here are some more tips on avoiding common mistakes.