The Montfort Group

The Art of Apology

The words “I’m sorry” play a big part in our daily lives. You might apologize while squeezing through a crowd or spilling something at dinner. We tend to easily say the words in these circumstances, but genuine apologies are a different story.

Even if you feel guilty for hurting someone, you might have trouble finding the right way to express your regret. How do you give a meaningful and sincere apology? How do you ask for one? With these tips, you’ll find that “sorry” doesn’t have to be the hardest word.

Picture of Therapist Unplugged Podcast

Therapist Unplugged Podcast

A therapist-led podcast brought to you by The Montfort Group featuring Laurie Poole. Straight talk about life, relationships, and mental health. Each episode will feature the unplugged views of guests and fellow therapists as we navigate hot topics, therapy trends and the world around us.

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Therapist Unplugged Podcast

A Sense of Belonging with Gergana Markov

People’s sense of social belonging, or their sense that they have good relationships with others, is a fundamental human need. That is, having solid social connections can be as important to human health and happiness as having food, water, and shelter.

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Dating advice
Therapist Unplugged Podcast

Dating Advice with Cory Montfort

On this episode, Laurie sits down with Cory Montfort for a quick chat about how to date your partner by focusing on the feeling instead of the destination with a few tips on how to find the spark.

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