The Montfort Group

Setting Boundaries

setting boundaries

Firstly, I want to say that setting boundaries is hard. The boundaries have served some purpose for us, but when we need them to change it also means that the purpose they once served has changed.

3 Strategies to Reduce Workplace Anxiety

Help for workplace Anxiety

Whether you’re a full-time business owner, a part-time retail associate, a nanny, a teacher, a photographer or a waiter or waitress, stress in the workplace is inevitable. Anxiety at work can impact your functioning on the job and even carry over into your personal life.

Coping With Anxiety

coping with anxiety and breath work

Living with anxiety can be hell but it doesn’t have to keep you stuck! Breath work continues to be a powerful way to induce calm under a number of circumstances.

Protecting Yourself From Words That Hurt

words that hurt

The next time a word is thrown your way that feels sharp and stings, be aware of the source of the feelings.  The thrower of the word is looking through their lens.  You are looking through yours.  Don’t take it personally.

Arguing, Round and Round We Go in a Couple Relationship

couples counseling and arguing

Those experiences and those from former relationships shape the expectations and assumptions we make in our primary relationships with our partners. You may recognize those patterns as they are played out from one generation to another.