The Montfort Group

How To Battle Your Inner Critic

Inner Critic

As I sat down to write my monthly blog, I began to notice thoughts in the back of my mind that invaded my inner dialog. As I put my fingers on the keys, my inner critic was in full force before I typed a single word. The battle had begun.

Vulnerability And Anger: How The Two Collide

Anger and Vulnerability

I want you to close your eyes. I want you take a moment and think about the last time you were angry. What was going on? Who were you angry with? Where did you feel that anger physically? Maybe in your chest, neck, or back. Maybe in your shoulders. I presume you could describe the physical feeling as tense and unpleasant. Why does this happen?

Taming Academic Anxiety

While it is natural for parents to go into protection mode when your child is feeling anxious, sometimes your efforts to solve their problems or avoid triggers of anxiety and engineer worry-free environments may exacerbate the problem.

Trauma: Lasting Effects That You Can’t See

If you were born, you have trauma. This sounds like a big statement but it’s true. In my practice as a therapist, it is one of the most common reasons individuals seek therapy. Trauma is the body’s natural response to a harmful experience. Because our bodies are so adept at helping to survive trauma, it can be difficult to identify and treat. It leaves an invisible internal injury that others can’t see from the outside yet it permanently affects the brain’s ability to process information.

Navigating Fear

navigating fear

Fear is a powerful emotion – it can motivate or derail you.

Four Tips to Help Manage Holiday Stress

Four Tips to Help Manage Holiday Stress

While the holidays are happy times for many families, they can also present opportunities for tension and conflict. The annoying sibling, the relative who drinks too much or the one who holds court with anyone who will listen – holiday gatherings can bring dread. Here are four tips to help manage holiday stress?  1. Manage expectations. […]

Battling Imposter Syndrome: Graduate School Edition

Imposter syndrome is something we all experience at some point in our lives. It’s the intrusive feeling that you don’t belong. It makes us believe we aren’t capable or smart enough, whether it’s for a higher degree or a new job, or even a new family role. Imposter syndrome is a feeling I am all too familiar with.

3 Strategies to Reduce Workplace Anxiety

Help for workplace Anxiety

Whether you’re a full-time business owner, a part-time retail associate, a nanny, a teacher, a photographer or a waiter or waitress, stress in the workplace is inevitable. Anxiety at work can impact your functioning on the job and even carry over into your personal life.